Electric mobility
Since 2015, Newelec has been working with Powerdale, a Brussels-based company that designs and manufactures 100% Belgian charging solutions.
Study :
- Advice and technical analysis for tailor-made B2B or B2B2C charging solutions
- Mode 3 (AC terminal up to 22kw) and mode 4 (DC terminal) charging solutions
- Static or dynamic load management
- Remote management of charging points via GRPS or LAN network
- Presentation of installation budgets
Execution :
- Installation of your charging station
- Installation of protections
- Laying of cables and connections
- Powering on
- Terminal configuration
- Training in the use of the terminal and access to the platform
Maintenance :
- Visual verification
- Function check
- Charging test
- Maintenance report
- Assistance/troubleshooting/repair